Lesson from Temple Grandin

temple_grandinTemple Grandin, one of the foremost advocates of the humane treatment of livestock, has improved slaughter-house conditions in over half of all the North American facilities. She is also severely autistic.

Her unique perspectives and journey are brilliantly depicted in a HBO movie with Claire Danes.

In one scene, after seeing a horse “put down,” Temple, comments on the mysterious and immediate absence of life, shouting, “Where did he go?” Her simple, yet insightful inquiry made an indelible impression on me, poignantly reminding me that our bodies only temporarily house our eternal spirits.

The fear of death will not torment us when we own and honor our immortal spirit. Along with Temple Grandin, C.S. Lewis’ The Last Battle, Martha Beck’s Expecting Adam, and Dr. Mary Neal’s To Heaven and Back also helped me do this.

3 thoughts on “Lesson from Temple Grandin

  1. […] Lesson from Temple Grandin (pamboyd.wordpress.com) […]

    • Thanks for your article and your passion for horses and the fair treatment of animals! And, I sure appreciate the link to my blog. Good luck on your work to improve life for our majestic friends.

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