Disappointing Encounters and One Way to Avoid Them

My first big relationship disappointment happened when I picked up a boyfriend at the airport. I had spent way too much time getting ready for this “big event” and imagining his excitement to see me and how he would show his appreciation for me.

The reality was not at all what I expected, very awkward, and totally discouraging.

Years (and many disappointments) later, I figured out the problem.

All my hopes had been wrapped up in my expectations and my energy completely tied up with thoughts about myself and how I would benefit. (Most likely, the boyfriend had the same unfortunate frame of mind.)

To transform the awkward and disappointing, I only had to take that self-centered energy and channel it into appreciation for, and delight in, the other person.

What a gift that focused appreciation and delight is to give–a gift that is difficult not to return.

It is difficult to be disappointed when we are only expecting to show delight for another person.

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