Oh, I Forgot

Almost every year of my life I witness the crazy renewal of life following months of barrenness that was forced upon nature by brutally cold temperatures, winds, ice, and storms. Then, later, with everything in full bloom, I completely forget how unlikely this verdant growth appeared just a short time before.

Afterwards, when my life is marred by darkness, pain, or death, I despair and swear all is lost, disregarding my past history of survival and growth–and nature’s miraculous cycle that I so recently witnessed.

Two-Minute Tune-Up 3.1.12 Soaking in the Spring

Winter’s whirl has lamented

My aching orbs are now contented

Opening gently into Spring

(Soothed with color the changing seasons bring)

Inviting Redbuds’ rain

And Bradfords’ blossom to bathe my brain

And wash all the wonders out from winter’s pain

Just one little poem to remind you to enjoy the wonder of Spring (or for my Kiwi and Aussie friends, the breeze of Fall from the heat of summer). Absorb it; don’t ignore it. Our world is a gift. Unwrap it reverently without the rush of entitlement.
